Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Operations Center1

About Frisco Emergency Management

The City of Frisco maintains a high-level emergency management division. We have a State-of-the-Art Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The EOC receives vital information from local TV, cable channels, area public safety departments and an advanced weather monitoring service.

During major events, the EOC is the gathering point for the city directors, decision makers and command staff. Together this group utilizes the Emergency Management Plan (EMP) to ensure citizens remain safe.

CodeRED Emergency Notification System

The City of Frisco uses CodeRED to send emergency notifications by phone, email and text to keep citizens informed of emergencies.

The City may also activate CodeRED to send general notifications to registered subscribers to communicate nonlife-threatening safety matters, such as planned road closures, water main repairs, water and power service interruptions, trash pickup route changes, etc. By selecting the box for GENERAL alerts, you can also receive these types of notifications.

Registering for CodeRED is quick and easy.


Things To Know About CodeRED:

  • CodeRED delivers notifications by phone, email, text and/or mobile alerts
  • CodeRED is compatible with TDD/TTY devices
  • You can opt out of notifications at any time.
  • Individuals and business may add as many phone numbers, emails and text numbers as they choose.

Severe Weather/Outdoor Warning Sirens

Severe weather is common in North Texas. When weather poses a significant threat to Frisco, the EOC is staffed by Emergency Management and other City departments. We monitor local TV stations, local weather stations located throughout the City, our amateur radio frequencies and the National Weather Service. If severe weather is imminent in Frisco, we are able to activate the outdoor warning sirens from the EOC or the Frisco Emergency Communications (dispatch) center.

The Emergency Operations Center is primarily used during major incidents in Frisco. The City of Frisco's traffic operators can also monitor major roadways within Frisco from the EOC. From here, they can help with traffic flow in and around major events.

Mass Gatherings

The City's EOC is also activated for mass gatherings. Frisco has multiple mass gathering sites, including  the Ford Center at The Star, Toyota Stadium, Riders Field, Comerica Center, etc. From the EOC, our staff is able to monitor incidents at the location, weather in the area, possible additional staffing needs, and other incidents around the city.