My street light is out or flickers on and off. How do I get it repaired?

Report the problem using the myFRISCO app or call 972-292-5800 during regular business hours. Supply the address and electric provider (if known) for your neighborhood, and we will notify the correct company for repairs. The majority of street lights in Frisco are owned and maintained by either CoServ Electric or TXU Electric Delivery.

Show All Answers

1. My street light is out or flickers on and off. How do I get it repaired?
2. My sidewalk needs repair. What qualifies and how do I get it repaired?
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4. What do I do if I think the reading for my water meter is incorrect?
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7. Where does Frisco get its water?
8. Who do I call if I am experiencing low or high pressure water issues in my home?