

The Sewer Division is responsible for the collection of all wastewater and its transmission to the wastewater treatment plants. This service includes the operation, maintenance and repair of all sewer lines, manholes and lift stations connected to the wastewater collection system.

Sewer Stoppage Problems

If you experience a sewer backup in your home, please contact the Public Works Department at 972-292-5800. A city employee will check to see if there is a blockage in a city line. Otherwise, you will be notified if you should contact a plumber.

Fats Oils Grease

Fats, Oils, Grease (FOG)

Fats, Oils and Grease don’t belong down the drain. FOG comes from food scraps, meats, butter, lard, sauces, dairy products and cooking oil. Even if you run hot water while draining them into your sink, FOG will eventually cool, harden and cause build up in your pipes or in the city sewer lines. Blockages, if left untreated, will cause a sanitary sewer overflow to occur.

Read more information about preventing blockages.

Wipes Clog Pipes

Wipes Clog Pipes

Flushable wipes are becoming a big problem for pipes. Many manufacturers claim wipes can be flushed, but these stronger wipes don’t break down quickly. Flushed wipes congeal with FOG that build up in pipes and cause clogs. Dispose of wipes, cleaning cloths, paper towels and personal care items in the trash. Only toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet.

Leave the Manholes Covered!

Manholes are covered and bolted for the protection of our sewer system and our citizens. Please do not tamper with or remove manhole covers. 

Manhole Maintenance

Check Your Clean-Outs

Clean-outs for your home’s service lines are located near the front of your home. Note the location of the two white pipes in the photo. If you need to call a plumber for possible sewer problems, please make sure your clean-outs are visible and accessible.


Sewer On-Call

Did you know that the Sewer Division has an employee on-call 24/7 year-round? If you need assistance after regular business hours, please call the Public Works Department at 972-292-5800, and they will dispatch the on-call employee.