
Group Number: 036477 | Phone Number: 844-549-2603

Vision benefits are provided by Superior Vision. Employees pay the full cost of the benefit. The insurance provides coverage for an annual eye exam, frames, and/or contact lenses.

You will not receive an ID card for vision insurance. Visit a Superior Vision network provider and let the provider know you are covered under Superior Vision. You will have to provide your social security number and the provider should be able to verify your benefits.

Find a Superior Vision Network provider and select the Locate a Provider button. Select Insurance Through Your Employer on the Coverage Type drop-down menu. On the Choose Network drop-down menu, be sure to select the Superior National network.

You can also register for an account at the Superior Vision website. When you sign up, use the group number: 036477. Once you have an account at their website, you will be able to view in-network providers, review benefit coverage, and also view and print off temporary ID cards for vision coverage.

For a list of benefits offered through vision insurance with the City, please see the Benefit Summary list.

Vision Insurance Documents