Junior Police Academy

Thanks to the media students from Pioneer Heritage Middle School for putting this awesome video together!

***All sessions for this summer's JPA are now full and registration has closed.***

The Frisco Police Department offers young people the opportunity to experience law enforcement firsthand through the Junior Police Academy (JPA). Provided at no cost, students learn the basic functions of a working police department, as well as have a chance to learn about a career in law enforcement. During each session, cadets have the opportunity to meet members of the Frisco Police Special Operations Unit (SWAT), 911 Operators, School Resource Officers, Crime Scene Investigators, Bike Unit, K9 Unit, Jail Staff, and Motorcycle Unit. 

In bridging the gap between cops and kids, the FPD Junior Police Academy transforms the traditional role of the police officer into one of mentor and friend. Additionally, the program encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and team building, while partnering with youth to create a safer community.

Questions?  Program coordinators can be reached by sending an email to jpa@friscotexas.gov.

Application Process

The FPD Junior Police Academy is a free program open to students who live in Frisco or students who attend Frisco ISD schools. Students must be currently enrolled in the 6th or 7th grade at the date of application. Space in the academy is limited, and cadet selection will be divided evenly to accommodate all FISD middle schools. Application requirements include parental permission and medical release forms.  Once JPA Coordinators receive the application and it is approved, a confirmation letter with additional information will be sent to the email provided on the application. Confirmation letters will not be sent out until early May.

NOTE: This summer, the JPA will be held at Trent Middle School, located at 13131 Coleto Creek Drive in Frisco. Each academy is four days long, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Students must have their own transportation to and from the campus and must be picked up by 4:30 PM each day.


  • Students must live in Frisco or attend Frisco ISD Schools
  • Students must have successfully completed the 6th or 7th grade
  • Students must be able to attend all four days of the academy
  • Students must be able to pass a background check and be in good standing with no serious discipline issues or criminal issues.

In order to extend this opportunity to as many students as possible, applications will be accepted until the deadline date and fill the classes according to the following:

  1. First-time students will be placed in the order their applications were received.
  2. Students that have attended JPA previously, will be placed in the remaining spots.
  3. Once all of the academy classes are full, the enrollment process will be closed and the remaining students placed on a waiting list. If there are enough students on the waiting list to add an additional class, those applicants will be contacted and sent a confirmation letter.

Interested in being a student volunteer at JPA?  Submit your information here or scan the QR code below.

JPA QR Code for Volunteers