Core Values

The City of Frisco supports five 'core' values:

  • Integrity:

    Integrity is honesty, trustworthiness, ethical behavior and always doing the right thing. Integrity matters because we are entrusted with building and maintaining our community. Integrity is the foundation of all other core values.
  • Outstanding Customer Service:

    We work to deliver the highest quality services to our residents, customers, and visitors. We strive to understand the needs of citizens and treat everyone fairly, consistently and responsively.
  • Fiscal Responsibility:

    We are entrusted to use city resources efficiently and transparently. We are committed to our taxpayers realizing a good value for their investment. We demonstrate good stewardship of financial resources.
  • Operational Excellence:

    We strive for the efficient, effective and innovative utilization of city resources. We value meaningful and measurable results.
  • Our Employees:

    We support, develop, and reward the contributions, diversity and talents of all employees.
In Motion

Frisco employees are recognized through the C.O.R.E. Recognition program, which is based on the city's core values.

Throughout the year, employees are nominated by their peers for demonstrating the city's core values, and for providing over-and-above customer service.

Resident feedback is welcome!