Smart Signals


Audi Connect Program 

Real-Time Traffic Signal Data Sharing

Frisco is one of the first cities in the country - and the first in Texas - to give the green light to new technology that allows traffic signals to 'talk' (so to speak) to vehicles.

As of June 2017, traffic technology installed at more than 100 Frisco signals can communicate certain models of newer Audi vehicles. This technology streams data to Traffic Technology Services, which uses the information to predict when signals will change from red to green.  

That 'countdown' to when the light will change is displayed on the drivers' dashboard or projected on the car's windshield.

Performance Measures 

The city also tracks automated signal performance measures, which shows both real-time and historical performance at Frisco's traffic signals.

This technology, in place at certain intersections, allows the city to get consistent measurements of signal performance. 

Frisco also collects time-related data about traffic incidents with the goals of reducing congestion and improving safety. Dispatchers note the time crashes are initially reported and cleared, as well as first responder arrival times. Minimizing the duration of an incident reduces congestion, improves motorist safety and reduces risk of first responders being injured in the roadway.  It also reduces the likelihood of a secondary crash. Staff has been collecting data since September 2017.