Insurance Rating

Insurance Rating

The Frisco Fire Department is an ISO Class 1  fire department. Only about 1% of all departments nationally achieve  the highest Public Protection Classification (PPC) rating of 1. The PPC rating is awarded by the Insurance Services Office, Inc (ISO).

Friscos Class 1 ISO of Frisco Logo

ISO classifies communities from 1, the best, to 10, room for improvement. ISO reviewed three major areas: the Fire Department, the water system and communications. More specifically, ISO considered fire department equipment, manpower and fire alarm facilities when making its recommended rating. A PPC rating has a direct bearing on the cost of property insurance for every home and building in a community.

How This Was Accomplished

Frisco achieved its Number 1 ISO rating after city officials recognized the economic benefits of a lower PPC rating and began upgrading the city's infrastructure to meet the demands of rapid growth, beginning with the raising of water pressure in low-pressure water areas. New fire stations were built to ensure rapid response to local emergencies. Career and volunteer firefighters staffed the stations and trained together regularly at the department's training center, which allows multiple fire companies to train simultaneously.

Frisco's fire department acquired management software needed to track personnel and equipment activity. Mobile data computers were implemented to enhance responses and improve the information received from the communications center. ISO is a New York based advisory organization that serves the property and casualty insurance industry by providing inspection and statistical services.