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Adopt-A-Street New Team Application

  1. I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions and Waiver of Liability
  2. Street Request

    I would like to adopt the following location. Please list in order of preference. Certain areas are unadoptable including: Preston Road, Dallas North Tollway, 121, Service Roads, roads not maintained by the City, and roads with heavy traffic and/or high speeds. Volunteer Safety is first priority. Prior to finalizing your Adopt-A-Street application, the coordinator will verify the street section with you. If you'd like to know about currently available sections, please email Carter Maciejewski (

  3. Environmental Services has final approval of signs. Please refrain from using slogans, religious themes, websites, or advertisements.

  4. I agree that I have read the terms and conditions and that my team will complete one year (5 cleanups), including turning in all waiver forms which will be completed prior to each cleanup.
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