Line Locates

The City of Frisco performs utility line locates in the city right-of-way.

  • An active ROW, TxDOT or Irrigation permit number is required before you request a City of Frisco line locate.
  • City of Frisco line locates are not part of the One Call Center, 811- Call before you dig process.
  • The City of Frisco does not perform line locates on private property.
  • For emergency line locates, contact Frisco Public Works Customer Service at 972-292-5800 and press #.

Contractor Information 

(line locate requests in the City’s ROW or easements)

Line Locates are only needed if digging deeper than 18 inches.

An approved ROW, TxDOT or Irrigation permit must be obtained before completing a line locate request form. A satellite view map indicating the location of the line locates must be submitted with the request.

Follow these steps for complete a Line Locate Request:

1. Read instructions on how to create a map (PDF).

2. Create a MAP here.

3. Read helpful information on how to complete the request form (PDF).

4. Complete the Online Locate Request Form.

Please remember:

  • All City line locates must be completed before any work can begin in the ROW, water easement or sewer easement. The contractor will receive one email to confirm that their line locate request has been completed.
  • A copy of the approved ROW permit and line locate confirmation number shall be kept on site throughout the duration of the project.
  • All ROW not yet accepted by The City of Frisco will receive a comment to "See General Contractor (SGC)."
  • If refresh locates are required, re-submit requests with updated work path map for remaining work.
  • Maps from plans, PLATs or without aerial satellite imagery will not be accepted.  
  • The completed line locate confirmation must be attached to the associated ROW permit in eTRAKit by the applicant once it is received.
  • When an irrigation contractor requests line locates, if they do not need a ROW permit, the Irrigation Permit Number should be added to the line locate request, similar to TxDOT and ROW permits.

Questions? Please call 972-292-5808.

Make Sure you Have a Valid Permit

Residential (Private Property)

Why is a Line Locate needed?

There are millions of miles of buried utilities that are vital to everyday living. Accidentally hitting water, electricity or natural gas lines can lead to major problems throughout the community and costly repairs. Always request a line locate through 811 prior to digging.

When can I dig?

Wait until crews have marked their lines before you begin to dig. Within a few days of your call, crews will mark the lines with paint or flags. Depths of the utility lines may vary. Proceed cautiously when working near those areas.

Now What?

Once the area is clearly marked, you may begin to work - carefully - around the marks. Do not dig directly on the marks. There are many factors that cause utility lines to shift. To avoid mishaps between digs, always call 811 each time before proceeding to dig.

Call 811 Before you Dig