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Adopt-A-Street Schedule Cleanup and Request Supplies

  1. Schedule Cleanup and Request Supplies

    Please fill out your Adopt-A-Street information and the date you would like to pickup your supplies. We require at least 2 business days to prepare your supplies. If you need supplies sooner, please call Environmental Services directly and we can prepare something same day 972-292-5900.

    We will try our best to accommodate the amount of supplies you request. however, quantity of supplies are limited. We will provide each team with the supplies needed to complete their cleanup. To continue with health and safety protocols, we are limiting teams to 15 people and ask that if anyone in your team is feeling sick they do not participate. We ask that people use masks if your team is not socially distancing. 

    Supplies must be signed for at the front window and returned within 1 week of cleanup. Failure to return supplies can result in a charge.

  2. Confirmation
    You will receive an email when your supplies are ready for pickup. Please come to the Environmental Collection Center at 6616 Walnut St. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
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