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Residential Rent-A-Bin

  1. Site Inspection
    To obtain necessary pre-approval for a location to set your dumpster please contact 972-292-5915 and request a site inspection
  2. After day (3) each additional day is $4.06

  3. rentabin2022
  4. Service Rules

    Multiple hauls are charged at $412.07 per haul. To schedule an additional haul, extend the rental, or have any additional services on the dumpster, please call Environmental Services at 972-292-5900.

    Payments must be made in full at the time the application is submitted. Payments can be in check, cash, or credit card. Payments in person or overnight mail can be made to 6616 Walnut Street from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Payments by mail must be sent to City of Frisco C/O Environmental Services, 6106 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco TX 75034.

    Using the Rent-A-Bin, this program is intended for extra household trash. This is NOT for demolition, renovation, or any construction debris. Overloading the dumpster past weight or size capacity will result in an extra charge and the renter must unload the dumpster for service, then reload the dumpster. If the truck is unable to service the dumpster due to it being overweight, overflowing, or blocked access to the dumpster, the renter will incur extra fees.

    All delinquent accounts will be sent to a collection agency.

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