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Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Registration Form

  1. Texas State Law

    Texas State Law requires that automated external defibrillators (AED's) be registered with local emergency medical services providers.  To confirm your existing or new AED is registered, please provide the requested information.  By providing us with this information, we can work together to make a difference when seconds count.  

  2. (IE: Break room in Suite Number;  in Security Office, First Floor Main Lobby) 

  3. Uploaded to Pulse Point App

    Find out more at

  4. Section 779.005

    Notifying Local Emergency Medical Service Provider. When a person or entity acquires an automated external defibrillator, the person or entity shall notify the local emergency medical services provider of the existence, location, and type of automated external defibrillator.  

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