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Adult-Minor Age 17-20 Cigarette, E-Cigarette, or Tobacco Request For Suspended Sentence

  1. Read Carefully and Completely

    This form allows you to enter a plea, request a suspended sentence, and take a State-approved Tobacco Awareness Course to disposed of your case. You are required to provide a government issued photo ID with this request. DO NOT use this form if you are a JUVENILE under the age of 17 years old.

    Court staff will review the request and you will be contacted by email or by phone once a determination has been reached about your eligibility. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval. If your request is granted, the court will enter a Judgment of Guilt with Suspended Sentence pending the completion of an approved tobacco class. A copy of the order with information on payment of costs and the tobacco program will be emailed to you.

    REMINDER. Payment of court costs can only be made AFTER the court has entered a judgment.

  2. I swear or affirm that the following statements are true:*
  3. Typing your name here represents your electronic signature

  4. You must attach a scanned image of your DL or any govt.-issued picture ID.

  5. Leave This Blank:

  6. This field is not part of the form submission.