What type of exam is given?

The written assessment provides objective insights into an individual’s core traits. The test is the Firefighter Aptitude and Character Test (FACT). It comprises of the following scales that allow the department to have a comprehensive view of each individual: 

  • Ability to Read and Apply Fire-Related Material and Writing Ability
  • Logical and Mathematical Reasoning Ability
  • Teamwork, Decision-Making, and Interpersonal Skills
  • Map Reading 

The test is timed, and you are allowed three (3) hours to complete it.

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1. What type of exam is given?
2. What should I bring to the testing site?
3. What is the pay structure for the Frisco Fire Department?
4. What is the work schedule for career personnel with the Frisco Fire Department?
5. Can I volunteer as a firefighter for the City of Frisco?
6. Does the City of Frisco provide uniforms and bunker gear?