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1. How do I check the availability of a class?
2. How do I know what level to register my child for?
3. Are there any make-ups for missed classes?
4. Can I register for a year in advance?
5. Which is better, coming twice a week for M/W classes, once a week for Saturday classes, or once a week for Private Swim Lessons?
6. I’m signing up for 4 months in advance, which levels should I register for?
7. I’ve signed up my child for “x” level, but they passed and are now registered for the wrong level. How do I get my child into the new level?
8. Can my children play in the pool if one of my other children is taking a class?
9. Is the indoor lap pool heated year round?
10. Can I register my child for a higher level than they are ready for? My kid needs to be pushed.
11. Why do we have to close the indoor pool if it is thundering and/or lightning outside?
12. My child cries during lessons, what can I do to help?
13. Do you have a swim team here? What about Pre-competitive swim practice?
14. Do I need to put sunscreen on my child if we are taking lessons in the indoor pool area?
15. My child has been at school all day and is hungry before their swim lesson. Is it okay if they have a snack before lessons?