Why wasn't my trash or recycling collected?

The top 5 reasons of missed service:

  1. Cart placed too close to fixed objects - Due to automated arms on the truck, place your bins 3 feet away from any object.
  2. Yard waste in bins - Use brown bags for grass and leaves. Limbs must be bundled with rope or twine into 3-foot stacks, no more than 30 pounds each.
  3. Out of reach - Carts need to be placed at the curb or at the edge of the alley. Lids need to open facing the truck.
  4. Hazardous Waste - Take paints, oils, etc. to the located at 6616 Walnut Street. Read more information about items accepted.
  5. Bulk Pickup - The item left out was too large for the cart. Each area has a bulk pick up day for items that cannot be taken on regular trash days. It is not for excessive trash. You must call and schedule your pick up. If it is just left out, it will not be picked up.

Show All Answers

1. What items can be recycled?
2. What time of day will the carts be emptied?
3. Why wasn't my trash or recycling collected?
4. What’s my trash / recycling pick up day?
5. Who do I call to report a missed collection?
6. How do I get a trash / recycling cart?
7. Where does my recycling go after it is picked up from my house?
8. How can I dispose of used medical needles?
9. Who do I call to report a broken or damaged trash / recycling cart?
10. My trash cart is missing or stolen, how do I get another one?
11. Can I get an additional trash / recycle cart and is there a charge?
12. Where can I throw away my extra trash?
13. How do I dispose of large items that won’t fit in my cart?
14. Where can I buy paper yard waste bags?
15. I live in an apartment; where can I recycle?
16. Can computers be recycled?
17. How do I dispose of old paint, pool chemicals, or pesticides?
18. How do I dispose of tree limbs / fencing?
19. Where can I pick up free compost?
20. Where can I purchase compost and mulch?
21. How do I start composting at home?
22. How can I dispose of smoke or carbon monoxide detectors with mercury?
23. How do I dispose of fireworks?