Why do some intersections have flashing yellow arrows? What do they mean?
A flashing yellow arrow means that you must wait for a gap in oncoming traffic before you turn left at a traffic signal. The Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) left-turn display is the new nationwide standard for traffic signal operation. All cities are required to build new traffic signals with the FYA display and to eventually upgrade their existing traffic signals to have the FYA display. The City of Frisco is in the process of upgrading its existing traffic signals to have the FYA display, which is expected to be complete in 2015.

Show All Answers

1. Who do I contact to report a problem with a traffic signal?
2. Why do some intersections have flashing yellow arrows? What do they mean?
3. Why do I have to wait so long for a green light on a side street?
4. Can you change the traffic signals to operate in flashing mode during the late night hours?
5. How are the yellow and all-red clearance times calculated for a traffic signal?
6. Is it necessary for me to push a button to activate the pedestrian signal?
7. Why does the orange hand flash before I’ve completed crossing the street?
8. How do you decide where and when to install traffic signals?
9. How do I request a new traffic signal?
10. Does the City of Frisco record any of the video from its traffic cameras?