How do I request a crossing guard for a particular location?
If you have questions about crossing guard and/or crosswalk locations, please call 972-292-5400 and ask to speak to a Traffic Engineer. It is important to note that crossing guards are primarily provided for elementary students. Crossing guards are provided for middle school students only in limited circumstances and they are not provided for high school students. However, marked crosswalks and/or reduced speed school zones can be provided at some locations even if a crossing guard is not.

The City of Frisco works with each school district to coordinate crosswalk and crossing guard locations for each school. One or 2 routes are established as the recommended walking route to a school that will take students through the crosswalks and crossing guards that are provided. These routes may not be the most direct route for all students, but it is not feasible to provide a crossing guard for every possible route to a school. If students are not using a nearby crossing guard, parents will be asked to stress the importance of safety over convenience and instruct their children to walk to school along the route that provides the crossing guard. (It is also important for parents to set a good example and follow the recommended walking route when they walk with their children to school.)

Show All Answers

1. Who do I talk to about school attendance zone boundaries and/or school bus eligibility?
2. How do I request a crossing guard for a particular location?
3. How can traffic be improved around our school?
4. Who do I contact to report a malfunctioning school zoning warning flasher?