Why don’t all major roadways in Frisco have street lights?
When the City of Frisco first started developing in the 1990s, it was decided that our funding should be stretched to build as many roads as possible and so the installation of street lights was deferred to a later time. Therefore, many of our older major roadways were built without street lights. The city now has a program where street lights are being added to the older roadways as funding permits. In addition, the city now installs street lights on all new major roadway projects to prevent adding to the backlog of missing street lights.

Special Case: The city is not able to install street lights along Legacy Drive between Academy Drive and Main Street due to the presence of the electric transmission lines and the restrictions placed on the roadway by the power company.

Show All Answers

1. How do I report a street light that needs to be repaired?
2. How do I get another street light installed on my residential street?
3. Why don’t all major roadways in Frisco have street lights?