Will existing landscape features be impacted?

Landscaping, lights, sprinklers, fences or other personal property located within the public right-of-way will likely be impacted during construction.  A surveyor has placed wood stakes with orange flags at property corners to identify the right-of-way locations.   Prior to the start of construction, please remove all personal items you intend to keep from within the marked right-of-way.

Show All Answers

1. Where should I park during construction?
2. How will access to homes and businesses be maintained?
3. Will mail service be affected?
4. Will trash and recycling collection be affected?
5. Will emergency services be afected?
6. How will school busses be affected?
7. Will existing landscape features be impacted?
8. Will lawn areas be restored if disturbed?
9. Can vehicles continue to be parked on the street during construction?
10. What are the plans for Elm Street?