How can grass and leaves be a pollutant since they are found in nature?
The problem is improper the disposal of yard waste which gets washed into the creeks. This can increase nutrient levels that encourage algae growth and also decrease oxygen levels. Both decrease the water quality.

Show All Answers

1. What is stormwater?
2. How do I report stormwater pollution?
3. How can grass and leaves be a pollutant since they are found in nature?
4. What is a stormwater utility fee?
5. Why is Frisco charging a stormwater fee?
6. How much are the fees?
7. What does the stormwater fee pay for?
8. What does impervious mean?
9. How does the city know the impervious area of a property?
10. What do I do if I think the impervious area calculated by the city is incorrect?
11. My fee seems too high. What can I do?
12. Who administers the Stormwater Program and the stormwater fee?